
Itza’s Guide to Dragonbonding: A DnD 5e supplement

Created by Draco Studios

The definitive guide to dragons in your DnD 5e games, rules for dragon companions, dragon combat and ancient draconic rune magic.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Pre-Production copies arrived!
9 months ago – Wed, Jan 10, 2024 at 01:12:28 PM

Hello Dragonbonded! 

First of all, we wish you a great start into 2024 and all the best! In Chinese zodiac this is the year of the dragon and we must honor that by filling your homes with dragons! Secondly, sorry for the long wait on this update, I wanted to have all items of the samples to share a video with you and the missing ones arrived just yesterday! 

These copies are to check material and last pass for possible mistakes, we have updated the content for the book and player's guide, the core box file was updated too because after some tests, we feel the content inside feels a bit loose and we want to avoid any possible damage.     

6d20 Drakha Brood dice (these will change a bit)
Fulgen Dice Set with felt bag (included in the Deluxe box)
Deluxe and Standard cover books

You are still on time to upgrade your pledge on Backerkit in case you want to add any extras or switch your pledge level.

We should be moving into mass production by next week which means that mass Production normally takes around 2-3 months to be finished and assembled, and considering Chinese New Year's time off we should be finishing by May and moving onto freight shipping and fulfillment within July-August. 

I know we have a small delay here but we can promise you will love the book once it arrives and all the extras. Also, we learned from our errors and we will avoid them for Elyse's Guide to Magic. 

Digital fulfillment was already sent, please if you don't have your PDF yet, send an email to [email protected] and we will send your copy again 🙂 You should have your field notes, 

Thanks again for an awesome campaign, we love seeing the community grow on Discord and talk with you about Dragonbond. Join our Discord here!

Until next update!

Revealing the pre-production copies! They look epic!
11 months ago – Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 04:06:10 AM

Pre-production copies of some items arrived! 

Hi Dragonbonded! Pam here and I'm super happy to share that we have received the pre-production copies of the handouts, character sheets, tarot size cards (monsters and spells) and the GM Screen. 

Yes, having Fulgen as first handout wasn't just luck

The preproduction copies of the deluxe and core book are in progress and hopefully we will receive them by mid December, YAAAAY! As soon as I receive them, I will post an update showcasing the book, I promise! 

Thanks again to the incredible community at discord that shared feedback, the pre-production copy is in progress but once approved, we will be able to update the file and print the books with the corrections made. At this point in the manufacturing process, the pre-production copies allow us to confirm materials, check that everything looks spot on and then approve to move to mass production. Mass production normally takes between 2-3 months + 1 month of freight shipping for the books to arrive to their final homes. 

Regarding the digital copies, the Players' guide was fulfilled via DrivethruRPG, along with the rest of the items, like handouts, tarot size cards, and character sheets. Please, if you experience any issues, let us know at [email protected]

The latest digital version will be sent once we have the final file for printing, around mid December, to avoid spamming you with lots of "Final versions". 

Thanks again for your support!

Elyse's Guide to Magic

The follow up campaign to Itza's Guide is nearing it's final days and we have had lots of questions from Itza's Guide to Dragonbonding backers about the new project, and how the two books align. So we invited Sarah Madsen to elaborate for you.    

Sarah Madsen:

Fans of Itza’s Guide to Dragonbonding will find lots to love in the 300+ pages of Elyse’s Guide to Magic. We’re presenting you with a new dragon brood, brood Tempesta, as well as a new correlating dragon herald subclass! We’re building on the Vaala points system first presented in Itza’s, including a new spontaneous spellcrafting system that allows you to channel raw Vaala to assemble spell effects from scratch to suit your needs. New classes, new subclasses, new races, new feats, and new spells will let you flesh out your character. And of course, GMs will have fun with the new bestiary, which includes new Null variants, new Vaala spirits, and lots of other new creatures to torment your players! 

Ever have that moment where you prepared ALL the wrong spells for the day?? Spontaneous spellcrafting is the answer to that! With this system, you can build effects to suit your needs, whether it’s crafting a spell to heal your allies and remove detrimental effects all in one go, or creating an icy blast to overcome a fire-resistant foe and take out additional nearby enemies at the same time. 

Not a spellcaster? Don’t worry! Everyone has the opportunity to channel magic with this system! And don’t worry GMs, we haven’t forgotten about you! With 40+ new monsters including new Null variants, new Vaala spirits, and lots of other new creatures to torment your players! Also included are four iconic antagonists: NPCs with distinct motivations and personalities who level up alongside the PCs to present a recurring challenge and create a richer story. They make the perfect addition to any long-running campaign, but work just as well regardless of the length of your game. 

And here is a first peek at that new Dragon Brood - The Blood Tempesta! 

The Blood Tempesta created by the talented Tom Babbey

Free Vaala Tracker

We just added a free backer gift to the campaign too. A Vaala Tracker! Use the tracker to keep track of your Vaala points used for the three aspects and in total.  Perfect for the points system introduced in Itza's Guide and expanded in Elyse's Guide to Magic. 

Spellcrafting - what's that? 

And finally if you are wondering about how the new spellcrafting system works, Brian (and his many personalities) explain more in this video!  

Until next time Dragonbonded - see you on discord! 

Digital fulfillment in progress!
11 months ago – Sat, Nov 18, 2023 at 11:50:35 AM

Hello Dragonbonded! 

Digital fulfillment is moving smoothly (YAAAY!) 

The feedback shared by you via Discord was great and we were able to add almost everything to the printed copy and sent a new digital version (V8) to you. Longpack approved the file some days ago and we are waiting for the sample pre-production copy of the book - I can't wait to share a video with you! 

Moving along with the rest of the digital rewards, between the weekend and next week, you will be receiving your monster & spell cards, the GM screen, posters, field notes and the players' guide! 

Continuing with great news, mid next week we are receiving the samples for the GM screen, monsters & spells cards, and once approved, factory will move forward with the core and deluxe boxes, hardcover book and the players' guide samples. 

We are so close to wrap up this and move to mass production that I can't express how happy I'm (also next week is my birthday so, YAAAY! perfect gift from me to me) Seeing the community growing on Discord, the interactions, how fascinated you are with the lore, hoow curious, I'm thrilled, thank you! 

Remember that Itza's Guide to Dragonbonding is just the beginning, the Dragonbond universe is expanding and the adventure continues with Elyse's Guide to Magic! 

Click on the image to visit the campaign

Shout out to a project we love: WAFFLE

Ever wondered how your life would look in an RPG character sheet?

Waffle's allure came from RPG games – they’re masters at character creation and development, fuelling excitement about who you are and who you could become. Your decisions sculpt the narrative, and this clarity is exhilarating and empowering. RPGs help us through life as an escape to reality. What if our lives can be lead as RPGs? 

The premise is simple: explore what you love privately, without distractions or tracking. A hub designed for our busy lives. Effortlessly organize and expand your interests. Make your life simpler and more purposeful. 

We invite you to take a look and Waffle. Its visionary creator is a close friend of us and has been an enthusiastic ambassador of Draco Studios since our very beginning. We can't wait to see Waffle come to life. 

Take a look at waffle here! 

Final digital version sent!
11 months ago – Wed, Nov 08, 2023 at 10:31:15 AM

Hello Dragonbonded! 

We are full steam and the new version of the PDF was sent yesterday via DrivetrhuRPG (we sent the emails today again, sorry for the spam to those who already received it). We were told by the support team that the bug was fixed, so please let us know if you can access your digital rewards. 

Thanks to the feedback shared by you oon Discord, we know that sometimes Drivethru doesn't send the email to avoid spam but 

The newest version is the PDF 1.1 (in the file name is V4), you can check it on the back cover, at the bottom of the bar code.

We are finishing the Players' Guide, it should be ready for you by next week (the index takes a bit of time). Looks like it will have 170+ pages! 

We have shared the files with Longpack for the corebook and start the digital verification process and preproduction steps, YAAAY!

FREE monster cards on Elyse's Guide to Magic

As you know, Itza was just the beginning and we have launched the new Kickstarter campaign Elyse's Guide to Magic. Everyone backing a physical tier in the first 72 hours will get a free set of Monster Cards (different monsters from this campaign). You are still on time to claim this reward! 

Pledge now!

As a thank you for supporting us since the beginning, returning backers will get a pin badge from the Golden Guild! 

Pledge and get your FREE pin!

Go to the campaign here! You can even create your own spells and we will add them to the book! Take a look at the Social Goals to unlock this! 

Spoiler alert, celebrity guests will be joining our writers' lines and they will write different items or spells for the book! 

and more to revealed!

DriveTrhuRPG bug against us!
12 months ago – Thu, Nov 02, 2023 at 11:11:57 AM

Hello Dragonbonded!

We were so excited about the PDF fulfillment of the core book, then, everything changed when an unexpected bug with DriveThru RPG's platform attacked. We want to apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Some of you may have experienced errors in your shopping cart (showing it empty), and not allowing you to download either Itza's Guide to Dragonbonding or Great Wyrms of Drakha

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to resolve this situation with DriveThru RPG's team. Rest assured that our priority is to ensure a seamless and trouble-free experience for all of you, so we will chase DrivetrhruRPG until this is fixed. 

For those adventurers who were fortunate enough to successfully complete your purchases and provided us with feedback via Discord (you're not there yet, join us!), we extend our gratitude for and keep it coming, Brian and Sarah are working full steam to change everything (while writing the spell system for Elyse's Guide to Magic).

Actual footage of Pam gathering all the feedback from Discord

As we work to correct these issues, we will also be making sure that the PDF is on its final final FINAL really final version before resending them to you. So far we're in the final.pdf, hopefully the next one is going to be thisisactuallythefinalversion_2.pdf. 

We understand how important this project is to all of you, and we are committed to resolving this situation as quickly as possible. Please give us some time while the team at DrivetrhuRPG solves this issue. 

Thank you for your continued support and understanding during this time. We'll keep you updated on our progress and will ensure that you receive the high-quality digital content you deserve.