Itza’s Guide to Dragonbonding: A DnD 5e supplement
Created by Draco Studios
The definitive guide to dragons in your DnD 5e games, rules for dragon companions, dragon combat and ancient draconic rune magic.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Beware the Wyrm that gobbles! Beware the Dracoturkey!
about 2 years ago
– Thu, Nov 24, 2022 at 03:50:57 AM
This is a short one, everyone, but amazingly fun.
Brian Suskind, our writer and co-lead designer for Itza's Guide to Dragonbonding came up with the idea of a Dracoturkey. With his imaginative artistry combined with Irene Aretia’s art skills, we have created this menacing but fun creature that you can use in your festive campaign!
Cloth map unlocked, new Stretch Goal ahead!
about 2 years ago
– Wed, Nov 23, 2022 at 12:32:07 AM
Good news, everyone!
We reached our 200k Stretch Goal and the cloth map is now a reality, included in the Deluxe Box Tier! What a great way to start our day after a long weekend!
Moving forward we have something fascinating as our new Stretch Goal, at 240K you'll unlock 4 new subclasses for the book, making it a total of 12 subclasses for your role-playing delight!
As a minor spoiler, we can tell you that these subclasses will include the Circle of Change Druid and the College of Nightmares Bard!
So please keep sharing the campaign on your Social Media, also, great discussion brewing on our Discord Server about some ruling and mechanics for the Dragon Herald class showcased in the previous update, so if you want to join in, do so, we love hearing your opinion and questions!
In the meantime, stay awesome, and see you in the next update!
Stretch Goal Updates and Dragon Herald Spotlight!
about 2 years ago
– Mon, Nov 21, 2022 at 07:35:31 PM
We are almost there, dragonbonded!
We just are 2K away from unlocking the cloth maps in the campaign, once again, thanks so much for supporting us and keep spreading the word so we can unlock even more Stretch Goals, remember that the next one is 4 more subclasses added to the book, making that a total of 12 subclasses!
Some of you, amazing backers, are very active on our Discord Server and we heard you are interested in learning more about some of the classes featured in Itza's Guide to Dragonbonding, and we are here to scratch that itch, let's have a small look into...
The Dragon Herald
Dragon Heralds venerate the mighty draconic broods, accessing Vaala through their reverence and their rune magic, eventually learning to transform themselves into dragons. Some seek to redeem the dragons by using their abilities for the good of all, others simply hope to turn the power to their own advantage.
The Dragon Herald is all about dragon morphing. The capstone of the class is a full draconic transformation.
Dragon Senses
1st-Level Dragon Herald Feature
Your admiration of dragons grants you some measure of their keen vision and discerning scent. You gain Darkvision out to 60 feet. If you already have Darkvision, your range increases by 30 feet. Moreover, you gain a scent-based form of Blindsight out to 5 feet. You must be able to smell, and your blindsight can’t detect creatures without a discernible scent, such as a bodiless ghost or shadow.
Venerated Brood
Choose one draconic brood to be the inspiration you draw on when you channel Vaala. Your choice grants you features when you choose it at 1st level and again at 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 14th level.
Coatl brood
To truly know, requires study, and with knowledge comes power. This is the axiom behind your veneration of the Coatl dragons. As a follower of this path, you strive for lore and wisdom, obsessing over mundane minutiae and mystical arcana with equal fervor. Just as your draconic idols hoard knowledge, there are no topics you do not find fascinating. Some Coatl dragon heralds prefer the lives of solitary scholars, still others travel the adventuring roads eager to experience the wonders of the world. You know, in time, you will accumulate enough knowledge to prove your superiority and glorify the dragons you so honor.
Ehrlya brood
Let other dragon heralds dabble in petty squabbles or challenges of strength, those who follow the path of the Ehrlya know the true way to venerate the dragons is to create. You are a focused artist, crafting wondrous art or masterwork items. The Ehrlya dragons show by example, that only by advancing your crafting can you improve yourself. Perhaps you adventure to gather rare materials for your work, or perhaps just to hone your art. Either way, be it by craft or by fire, you will show any and all the true veneration of the dragons comes through pragmatic skill and focused work.
Exor brood
At heart, dragon heralds who follow the path of the Exor are hunters. They exalt in the thrill of the hunt, reveling in that moment of victory over their prey. As one who venerates the Exor dragons, you constantly push yourself to develop your skills, and tend to be aggressive, quick to violence, and intolerant of weakness. Where others fall like so much prey, you venerate the Exor dragons and will stand as proof that you are strong and worthy.
2nd-Level Dragon Herald Feature
In your study of dragons and their nature, you learn to emulate the great broods, manifesting vaala through magical runes. Though your runes are not the same as the Kadmic runes used by true dragons, they imbue you with magical abilities.
Bonding Glyphs
15th-Level Dragon Herald Feature
You learn the secret of sharing your runic gifts with your companions. You can choose a number of creatures equal to half of your Proficiency bonus and spend 10 minutes magically inscribing a tattoo-like glyph onto their bodies. The area covered by the mark is no more than a hand-print (though it can be on any part of the body). Once inscribed, damage or injury doesn’t disrupt the glyph’s function. All Bonding Glyphs fade when you finish a long rest.
Elder Form
20th-Level Dragon Herald Feature
You achieve the ultimate expression of your draconic devotion and become a dragon. As an action, you can use this feature to transform yourself into a dragon of the same type as your Venerate Brood for 1 hour. The transformation otherwise functions as the true polymorph spell, but you can use a bonus action to revert to your normal form. Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use it again.
These are just a few of the features of the Dragon Herald class featured in our book, so, becoming a dragon, is pretty rad, uh?
Heretic’s Guide to Devotion & Divinity is a sourcebook with more than 152 pages of content for handling the divine in 5E, including ready-to-play ceremonies, sacred oaths, relic hunts, divine NPCs, and religious cults plus a treasure trove of new celestial foes and mystical magic items! Learn the sacred secrets of creating (or slaying) gods or devote yourself to their service – even if you’re not a cleric or a paladin!
Recently picked by Kickstarter Staff as a Project We Love, Heretic’s Guide to Devotion & Divinity is live on Kickstarter now! Back today and get access to all of the unlocked stretch goals, including divine feats, sacred subclasses, an all-new Divine Dragon, and more!
Exploring a new Magic System: Vaala Magic!
about 2 years ago
– Fri, Nov 18, 2022 at 09:48:11 PM
Do you like magic? How about new magic? Well, we're introducing a new magic system for your campaigns in Itza’s Guide to Dragonbonding.
What does that mean for you? It means more spells, powers, and possibilities for your game. With the Vaala magic system, you can create characters who are truly unique. So what are you waiting for? Come on in and take a look!
First of all, what the wyrm is Vaala?
So, Vaala is basically the magic that infuses Valerna. It touches most (if not all) things in the world. Those who channel Vaala are not just spellcasters but anyone who has supernatural features/abilities.
Vaala comes in three aspects. These are distinctions created by the mortals who use it. Vaala is a vast energy pool, like the Force in Star Wars. The users of Vaala have come up with these three aspects to help them focus their channeling of this power.
So, the three aspects are…
Dream (also called Fai) is the aspect of raw ideas, unlimited potential, and unbound imagination. Through Dream, things come out of nothing.
Dream Doctrine Feature
Shape Vaala: Dreamcrafting 2nd-Level
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Shape Vaala to make your imaginations real. You can meditate for 1 minute, picturing a nonmagical, inanimate object that can fit entirely within a cube that is 10 feet on each side. The object you picture must be one that you have seen before and have a value of less than 1000gp.
Source (also called K'aab) is the aspect of raw materials, elements, and nature, and also of life and death. Through Source, life evolves and seasons pass.
Source Doctrine Feature
Shape Vaala: Elemental Form 9th-Level
Manipulating living flesh, you can use your ability to shape Vaala to assume the form of an elemental. As a bonus action, you magically transform into an elemental whose challenge rating is equal to or less than your level. You can remain in your new form for a number of rounds equal to half of your proficiency bonus, or until you use a bonus action to return to your normal form
Will (also called Id) is the aspect of raw power, plans, and politics, by which individuals change the world through their thoughts or feelings.
Will Doctrine Feature
Mental Fortress 6th-Level
A powerful mind quickly learns to shrug off psychic intrusions. You can spend 3 points from your Vaala pool to render yourself immune to magic that allows other creatures to read your thoughts, determine whether you are lying, or spy upon you. This effect lasts until you finish a short or long rest.
So, there you have it, just a small example of what the Vaala Magic System has for you in Itza's Guide to Dragonbonding, now we want to know, which aspect of Vaala is your favorite, which one are you aching to try the most?
These examples came up during a great conversation between some of our backers and our co-lead designer Brian Suskind over at our Discord Server, so head over there and share your questions and join the discussion!
JetPack7- Masters, Minions and Tactics
As a GM you find yourself running out of time? Especially if you have a few minutes to prepare your next session. Imagine having all the tools at hand and being able drag-and-drop them into any campaign without spending hours preparing!
In this 5e supplement, you'll find in-lore descriptions for each Master and how they use their Minions.
Each Master has story hooks, tricks, puzzles, and strategies on how to use each one effectively. This can potentially save hours of prep time for a GM.
They have just a few hours left on their campaign, so if this is something you find yourself missing, go check them out. Tell them Draco Studios says hi!
Dragon broods in your current campaign!
about 2 years ago
– Thu, Nov 17, 2022 at 01:32:11 PM
Itza’s Guide to Dragonbonding is an introductory 5e supplement to the Dragonbond setting, nevertheless, we want you to enjoy the full glory of its draconic might in your current campaigns, it doesn’t matter if it is D&D, Pathfinder, or any other setting.
That’s why in Itza’s Guide to Dragonbonding, you’ll find a handy table that will help you to use any of our Dragon broods in your current setting, and vice versa. This sparked a nice discussion on our discord server about which brood fits better with which chromatic/metallic dragon, and we want to hear from you, if you have to compare each brood with a chromatic/metallic dragon from other settings, what’s the best comparison?
Brood Fulgen
Brood Coatl
Brood Magnifex
Brood Exor
Boord Ehrlya
Brood Nix
Which one is your favorite?
The Azhurmas are the leaders of each dragon brood. They await on Drakha, the Red Moon, while their dragons raid the continent of Valerna. These Azhurmas are part of the STL bundle you'll find as an add-on to this campaign. You can 3D print and bring even more epic draconic action to your campaign!
If 3D printing is not your cup of tea, we also have an add-on with 3 of the Azhurmas in plastic, they look amazing at the gaming table and I guarantee they'll put the living fear of dragons upon your party!